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    • Diese Indietitel würdest du wahrscheinlich auch auf der 350 kaum finden, einfach weil die Indie Sektion der 360 ja sehr in der Kritik stand, weil der KRam kaum beworben wurde. War der Nachteil der Initiative, wo man günstigmit dem XNA Studio 360 Indie Games basteln konnte.

      Mir war aber auch nicht bekannt, dass es da so viel ähnliches gibt.

      Für mich scheint der Retro-Pixellook vorrangig eben auch in 2D bentzt zu werden, 3D Games sind entweder eher die ausnahme, oder es gibt schlichtweg kaum wirklich beliebte Vertreter. Große Ausnahme: Minecraft.
      Bluntman3000: "bin in mpnchtennünchrn"
    • Ob es ähnliche Spiele als Download für PS360 oder WiiU oder iOS für ganz wenig Geld gibt, interessiert mich nicht. Das ist ein für mich optisch, akkustisch und auch spielerisch interessantes Ein-Mann-Projekt, welches mit einem hoffentlich professionellen Packaging richtig zum Anfassen zu einem vergleichsweise sehr fairen Preis für eine meiner alten Lieblingskonsolen erscheint.
      Die Karte, die Darkshine gezogen hat, könnte man bei 90% aller neuen Entwicklungen für Retro-Konsolen ziehen, ich finde das nicht konstruktiv bzw. sehe ich den Sinn nicht. Ich wandere jetzt ja auch nicht durch alle Threads von für mich uninteressanten Spielen und schreibe überall rein, wie schlecht oder unnötig ich alles finde. Aber das muss natürlich jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.
    • Neuer Trailer

      Begleitender Kommentar von Corbyn:
      Here's a treat for you guys - a SLaVE preview, running on actual hardware, with the actual Dreamcast controller. Accessing the menu also allows you guys to completely customize the entire controller layout, as evident in the video. It supports a ton of Axis, so I'm positive the TwinStick will work with it.
    • Ausm Email-Verteiler:

      "Good news! After trying many things with the old code and not finding the proper fix for the bug that caused this delay, the SLaVE team decided to rewrite much of the engine code using new techniques. This will result in a better product, as some other minor issues and glitches that were not fixed in the previous code have been addressed and the game will run on the Dreamcast even better than originally planned!

      We are pleased to report that the game is back to running on the Dreamcast, this time with no major show-stopping bugs.

      Due to the nature of the rewrite, we still need to take a little time for additional bug testing but Jay Townsend's SLaVE is definitely closer to release!

      We'll keep you updated as more developments occur!"

      Hmm ... klingt schwer nach BBI. Also 2018 oder später.

      edit: oder eben nie :P
    • Die Musik gefällt mir. Vielleicht bringen sie die vorher auf CD. :D
      "Ich hab die Zukunft nicht gewollt!
      Ich war für alles offen!
      Ich trinke ja nicht, weil's mich schmeckt, Herr Doktor,
      ich bin einfach lieber besoffen!" - Heinz Rudolf Kunze

      "Für Heuchelei gibt's Geld genug. Wahrheit geht betteln." - Martin Luther
    • Hast du schon was erreicht?

      Also die letzte Nachricht habe ich im August letzten Jahres bekommen:

      Jay Townsend schrieb:

      Hey everyone!

      Before I even start, I apologize for the length of this email update. If
      you don't want to read it all, in short - Sorry for the slow update and
      it appears we are barreling toward completion! If you want the full
      story, please read on...

      Again, first, a big apology from us at GOAT Store for not updating the
      list sooner. Without going too far into this, some of you are aware that
      we also run the yearly Midwest Gaming Classic trade show in Milwaukee,
      Wisconsin. This year, the show moved to the largest convention space in
      the state, and we had many behind the scenes things that kept us
      extremely busy, and kept getting in the way of us making further updates
      on the progress of the game. I have had it on my to do list to write
      this email since May, and I am just now getting to it.

      That's obviously not what Gary or I want, as we pride ourselves on
      responsiveness and keeping up do day with things, but unfortunately it
      is the reality of the situation. Neither the GOAT Store or the Midwest
      Gaming Classic has been our full time jobs, and so trying to squeeze
      everything that we want to in with our regular jobs as well as being the
      fathers of young kids is sometime difficult to keep everything in

      Additionally, as I hope that I have been very clear about since the
      beginning, we did not expect these delays to happen with the game when
      we announced it. As I've stated, the game was running in emulation just
      fine, and we expected production of the game to be as easy as us doing
      some simple bug tests, pressing the games and delivering them. If we had
      any idea that it would have taken this long for the game to go through
      "final bug test" we would not have started to take pre-orders when we

      This delay, combined with the growth of the Midwest Gaming Classic and
      the increase in our personal schedules have led to updates that are more
      difficult to send out.

      Again, I apologize and it isn't how we want it to be. And with that, I
      have a bit of a solution that I'm personally very excited about:

      Starting next month, I will officially be a full-time GOAT Store
      employee. This means that I will be able to keep people updated like we
      want, as well as hopefully will allow us to catch up with many of the
      other ideas and projects that we have! This will be the first time in
      the history of the GOAT Store that we have been able to have one of us
      be full time, and I hope that it will lead to us being able to pursue a
      lot more projects in the future.

      No matter what, thanks for sticking with us. It hasn't been the easiest
      time, but we can really, REALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel!

      First, while all the above is true, it's worth pointing out that Gary
      and I are not the programmers for the game. We produce and help with
      other functions like that, but we are not the ones combing through the
      code looking for how to update it, so even though Gary and I have been
      so incredibly busy, the game has been nearly consistently worked at
      since my prior email.

      I've explained in the past that we were looking for one final game
      breaking bug, but the time to find it was extremely hard to nail down
      due to the nature of bugs like it. It could have been something that the
      next day we found and the game would have already been in your hands,
      or in the worst case scenario it could have been something that was
      never found.

      On top of this, we did have a health scare with one of the main
      programmers at the beginning of the year. While I won't get into
      personal things, this obviously did cause a delay too.

      The good news is the bug has been found, and we now have a stable
      version of the game running without issue! This does NOT yet mean that
      we have gone gold, as fixing the bug introduced a few other things that
      needed to be looked into and revised. The good news is this revision
      process, as well as with the knowledge gained, means that the game has
      been improved some and has had a couple minor bugs we found that were
      fixed and has significantly improved loading time.

      While I will still not put an actual date on the release of the game
      because it's hard to ever know exactly what will happen, the to do list
      of things before the final tests to go gold has consistently gotten
      shorter and shorter, and barring any unforeseen issues we expect to be
      able to finish up everything as soon as possible.

      I can't wait for everyone to see it!

      Now for you, thank you for sticking with us! This has been by far the
      most frustrating game release that we've done, but when it is in your
      hands I think and hope you'll agree that all of the delays were worth

      If it's too much, please contact me back (this is my personal email
      address!) and I am happy to issue refunds to anyone who would like them.

      I am honestly completely amazed by how awesome and positive the vast
      majority of people who have signed up for the game are. It is because of
      awesome people like yourself that this game is still coming, and we
      can't wait to get it into your hands soon!

      And then hopefully, soon after that, we'll have some more projects -
      that we will wait until they are GOLD to announce! - to announce for

      Thanks again for being a GOAT Store Productions supporter!

      Dan Loosen
      Seitdem kam aber auch nichts mehr...
    • Sirius schrieb:

      Hast du schon was erreicht?
      Nein. Wie zu erwarten war meldet sich von dort niemand. Ich habe die Info-Adresse angeschrieben und an die Adresse geantwortet, von der die Mail stammt, die du zitiert hast. Außerdem funktioniert der Login auf der Website nicht mehr.

      Die Saber-Rider-Leute habe ich ebenfalls über mehrere Kanäle angeschrieben... Natürlich keine Antwort.

      Galencia Khaos Sphere: auch keine Antwort.

      Die Xenocider-Sache gestaltet sich sehr zäh. Aber es hat sich wenigstens jemand gemeldet. Auf das Geld warte ich schon seit ca. einer Woche und bislang kam nichts.

      Für mich hat sich das alles erledigt und ich will mit solchen Sachen nichts mehr zu tun haben.